Owners Dennis & Pat Landry, your hosts say, “Welcome to Cajun Cabins!”
Dennis Landry is proud to be a Cajun, and proud to be doing his part to preserve Cajun culture. Born in 1951 in the rural community of Belle Rose, on the banks of Bayou Lafourche, he spent his youth paddling up and down the muddy waters of the Bayou in his antique cypress dugout pirogue.
Being one of six boys in a relatively poor family, he learned quickly the value of hard work and education. After being educated in the public schools of Assumption Parish, he went on to work his way through college, earning not only a BA but also a Master’s of Education Degree from Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, La. It was his love of History and Cajun culture that inspired him to teach History on both the elementary and high school level.
However, after a few years of teaching and coaching , he was lured away from his chosen profession for a better paying job in Louisiana’s growing oilfield industry. For about 20 years he worked as an Asst. Office Manager and later as a sales representative for a marine and oilfield construction company and as a lease manager for a Land company. During this time period he also served as State Chairman for Ducks Unlimited and was an elected member of the Assumption Parish School Board for some 11 years. He was also a real estate entrepreneur having founded Belle Chene Apartments and later on developing Magnolia Ridge and Sportsman’s Paradise Subdivisions of Bayou Corne. Then of course, he became the developer and owner/operator of Cajun Cabins & RV Sites and Sportsman’s Landing of Bayou Corne ! Additionally, Dennis is also a licensed Auctioneer – specializing in charitable fundraising type Auctions. Currently, he probably does more of these type Auctions than any other Auctioneer in the State of Louisiana !
On a personal note, Dennis is the father of two fine adult sons, and enjoys the assistance of his lovely wife Pat in helping him run the business. Pat is a wonderful companion, homemaker , and a tremendous asset to Cajun Cabins….she has added a special “woman’s touch” to the Cabins and their lovely bayouside home! Those who get to know Pat, know that she is a very special person with the most pleasant disposition in the world !
Dennis and Pat enjoy helping their guests get the most out of their stay at Cajun Cabins and invite ‘yall’ to come “pass a good time, down on the Bayou!” “Yall come chere”……